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StatTools Customer Testimonials

I was looking for a user-friendly way to do autocorrelation, and a colleague recommended StatTools to me. StatTools does the time series autocorrelation in a user-friendly way that is quick and easy. You know you got it right the first time. I have box plots and other statistics that I did with it, and they were easy to refine for publication. StatTools did what I needed without the time and expense of a heavy-duty stats package.
Barb Tawney, University of Virginia and Health Care Consultant

We standardised on Microsoft Excel as our analysis platform for all MBA courses, so we wanted a statistical analysis package that worked in Excel. StatTools fits the bill and provides robust and accurate analysis. My students are delighted with StatTools, they find it easy to learn and easy to use.
Dr. Jack Yurkiewicz, Professor of Management Science, Pace University Lubin School of Business

In my @RISK modeling and data analysis work with clients, primarily State and County government health and child welfare employees, I am frequently asked to train them on basic descriptive and inferential statistics as well as forecasting and quality control analyses. I previously limited myself to Excel formulas and Analysis Tools to teach such skills, but have now started using StatTools as my primary add-in software for this task. My clients have responded most enthusiastically. They appreciate the ability to take advantage of their proficiency with Excel while finding it easier to carry out the advanced analyses. They can also share their work more easily and knowledgably with their stat-phobic colleagues, who are often the ones who have to make the operational decisions based on these analyses.
Dr. Anthony Broskowski, President, Pareto Solutions

Working with StatTools is a breeze. Procedures are robust and powerful, and the ability to work in Excel makes the learning curve very short. The ability to write your own custom procedures sets StatTools apart from other stats packages.
S. Christian Albright, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

I applaud StatTools' powerful statistical analysis. The mathematics in Excel leave something to be desired. Long ago I've re-written Excel's statistical functions as add-in macros due to the lack of precision within Excel. After testing a few of my favorite hand-written algorithms (Tinv, NormSdist, Normdist ,Norminv, Binomdist, to name a few) against the ones you've included with the package, our numbers agree to the last digit! At last, someone takes the initiative! Thank you!
Gregory E. Cenker, Southern California Edison

I enjoyed the look and feel of the software. I was delighted to have a statistics tool working along with Excel.
Newton Gichuru, Kennesaw State University

StatTools will be very useful for my work, as I don't really have a good, easy to use stats program.
Dr. Robin McKellar, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

StatTools ran well. I like the ability to have different groups.
Chas Becnel, Entergy